We are so happy to have reopened and to see so many of you visiting the Renaissance Garden. July and August were busy months for us, after completing all sorts of needed maintenance in the lower and upper garden. See all of the amazing photos below.
Trimming the boxwood isn't an easy job! Take a look at the steps involved:
Hercules was freed from his leafy prison and the fig tree loves its new home on the terrace.
The Vasca (the water basin that holds our koi) got an upgrade. We put in a new timed feeder for the koi. Late summer is also the best season to see the Vasca's flowers in bloom. The Koi are always first on the kids' list to visit. The garden is such a fun place to visit and explore.
Get a fish-eye view of the Vasca in the video below!
The courtyard is looking lovely and majestic this time of year.
But the best view of all is still found in the Renaissance Garden. It's so wonderful to just soak up the view of the gardens and Lake Michigan from the terrace after spending time in the lower gardens.
Text and Photos by Eileen Kaczmarek
Video by John Simmons